Gilwellians 2007

2 tot 8 juli 2007 te Sint-Katelijne Waver
25 tot 27 januari 2008 te Merelbeke


Verstrooide LynxGilles Alaertsverstrooide.lynx774
Schrandere GoudvinkKathleen Caenenschrandere.goudvink775
Listige IndriKatrine Dheere776
Gedreven MandrilErik Gilisgedreven.mandril777
Nerveuze PacaDimitri Goethalsnerveuze.paca778
Opmerkzame ChipmunkVeerle Haverhalsopmerkzame.chipmunk779
Kritische WolfAndries Hofkenskritische.wolf780
Nauwgezette ArendMartijn Körversnauwgezette.arend781
Integere WolfJeroen Lambeetsintegere.wolf782
Spitsvondige MangoestSigi Lambrechtsspitsvondige.mangoest783
Volhardende WombatJessica Roosenvolhardende.wombat784


"Be quiet - listen -stand real still.
Is that really the breeze?
Or is it the spirit of Wood Badge
That rustles through the trees?

"At the close of this council fire,
As you return to your campsite,
Take a minute and stand alone
And think about this night.

"There's a spirit here that surrounds us
From without and within.
It's a flame that will burn forever
Its brightness will never dim.

"And when we work for others,
And help to fill their needs,
Let no one say that Scouter there
Has never earned his beads!

"May all our goals be accomplished
May we never stumble or bog,
And may all of us be guided
By the ax set in the log."

(Jerry Fabricius)

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